Thursday, March 19, 2009

Checking In

With the promise of Spring in the air and almost on the calendar, St. Louis is starting to look glorious. As we look at all the new life around us, it is harder to listen to the news of the recession and bail outs and bonuses for executives of a failing giant company.

Maybe that's for the best. Since we manifest what we focus on, it is a good thing to focus on the beauty of Spring, the glorious chatter of the squirrels and birds outside the window. With a roof over our heads and our bills paid, we have much for which to be grateful!

Rev M

1 comment:

Maggid said...

I check back to see if there's anything new on your blog. I DO have you on my "following" list - but, checked anyway . . re-read a little. I'm sending you this comment - because i want you to know your work touches a lot of people - I am one of them.
Love & Love,